Books by debgrant
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Putnik on the Bridge by debgrant
Putnik on the Bridge is an inspired tale on the high seas. Part memoir and part sitcom, Grant recounts her adventures across oceans and continents with a salty crew and captain. Alternating between moments of tension and hilarity, the story unfolds with reflections about life, grief and gratitude along the way.
Wellspring Simple is a collection of short essays in a pocket-size book by Deb Grant. Grant offers personal, witty, profound, relatable stories and observations about simple aspects of life. These pocket essays extend an invitation for the reader to move beyond the author's offerings to consider their own experiences or to prompt conversations in a small group setting. NOW AVAILABLE. FREE SHIPPING.
Beacon Hunters: Signs of Light Along the Way is a collection of short essays, stories, and poetry by three friends and pastoral colleagues. Grant, Hoelscher and Meier collaborated during the pandemic to hunt for sources of guiding lights to truth & hope. Each piece is offered as field notes for those on their own journey of faith. Sometimes we need help to see the truth that shines in our daily lives. Each story is presented not as a prescriptive solution, but as a way to spark readers' own memories with new insights. The book may serve as a prompt for discussion among friends and small groups. Each reader is invited to become a beacon hunter in their own experience.
Nuevo Vino: poems, pandemic pulpitries
Collection of debgrant's poems that include themes of new wine of a new chapter of life, pandemic, and poetic pulpitries. ELOGOS readers will enjoy this paperback version of select ELOGOS offerings from last two years. This little book, 5x7, 96 pages, is a perfect size to carry to put in a pocket, backpack, carry to a coffee shop. “Deb’s poetry is like that little gift you think you know what it’s going to be like each time you open it, but then it’s something unexpected…new or funny, thought-provoking, insightful. This is poetry I enjoy. I read it and read it again. Did I really understand what she’s saying, do I agree, can I make that part of my life? What a gift!” - Garrett Sampson, long-time ELOGOS reader. |

Deb Grant’s collection of poetry is a genuine first-hand experience of someone who is not only a disaster survivor, but someone who stands in the gap between devastation and survival for those impacted. Her realistic and sometimes raw interpretation of the disaster experience has the ability to bring you to the “place” where survivors are, through words that can engage your senses and create sights, sounds, and even the smells of what that experience brings. This collection will be a lesson for those wanting to help, a kindred space for those who do the work, and a resource for those still healing to know they are not alone.
—Jessica Vermilyea, Executive Director, Disaster Response
Lutheran Social Services/
“This is not your grandmother's pastor's poetry. STORM is as bold as the title implies, offering perspectives and styles of poetry as varied as are the disasters that visit every person. Gritty and tender, this intensely visual volume is for those courageous souls who walk alongside others through the disorienting landscapes and heartscapes that accompany every storm.”
—The Rev. Stacy Stringer, Director of Hurricane Recovery
Episcopal Diocese of Texas
“Amazingly true and real. Pastor Deb Grant has captured every situation and emotion that exists surrounding a hurricane disaster. From the definition of muck to sharing an altar in a sister church. From looters to becoming a weather geek to naming the deceased. Pastor Grant has experienced everything she has written and presented it in her unique style of writing.”
—Mike Anderson, National Weather Service
29 Year Veteran of Flood Forecasting
Survivor of Hurricane Camille
—Jessica Vermilyea, Executive Director, Disaster Response
Lutheran Social Services/
“This is not your grandmother's pastor's poetry. STORM is as bold as the title implies, offering perspectives and styles of poetry as varied as are the disasters that visit every person. Gritty and tender, this intensely visual volume is for those courageous souls who walk alongside others through the disorienting landscapes and heartscapes that accompany every storm.”
—The Rev. Stacy Stringer, Director of Hurricane Recovery
Episcopal Diocese of Texas
“Amazingly true and real. Pastor Deb Grant has captured every situation and emotion that exists surrounding a hurricane disaster. From the definition of muck to sharing an altar in a sister church. From looters to becoming a weather geek to naming the deceased. Pastor Grant has experienced everything she has written and presented it in her unique style of writing.”
—Mike Anderson, National Weather Service
29 Year Veteran of Flood Forecasting
Survivor of Hurricane Camille
PASSAGE: A freighter passenger's Lenten Devotions
Deb Grant traveled on a freighter ship from Savannah, Georgia to Melbourne Australia. Using the background and images of a month-long journey on a cargo ship, Grant uses the images, experiences, Biblical verses and reflection to guide the reader through the days of Lent. Available at Amazon in large print paperback or Kindle version. All royalties go toward Hurricane Harvey Relief efforts. |

Pedestrian Theology: Discovering Faith One Step at a Time
"Intensely revealing, this is the story of the growth of Deb Grant's life of is also the story of each of our own humble lives. This book is for everyone who has suffered loss, faced their demons, and reached for God and for all who want to assist others in doing the same. Through wit, artistry and raw introspection, Grant reveals what it means to be found by God and liberated by love. "Pedestrian Theology" delivers a unique road map to a faithful life."
Paperback, Amazon
Kindle Edition, Amazon
"Intensely revealing, this is the story of the growth of Deb Grant's life of is also the story of each of our own humble lives. This book is for everyone who has suffered loss, faced their demons, and reached for God and for all who want to assist others in doing the same. Through wit, artistry and raw introspection, Grant reveals what it means to be found by God and liberated by love. "Pedestrian Theology" delivers a unique road map to a faithful life."
Paperback, Amazon
Kindle Edition, Amazon
ELOGOS (paperback version)Volumes 1, 2 & 3
by Deb Grant Each volume of ELOGOS is a collection of year-long, daily devotions. Each day includes a scripture verse, message, a prayer and a small space for personal notes. "In a world awash in devotional materials, ELOGOS is a breath of fresh spiritual air... honest, renewing and set in real life images..... Biblical meaning to life. Deb Grant's spiritual insight is keen and quick, stays with you throughout the day, and provides sustenance that is faithful and authentic... a must for one's daily spiritual growth" Paperback, Amazon Kindle edition, Amazon |